Cards, Furniture, Jewelry, Ink, Handmade Soaps, Garden Art and Photography
About Elegant Peacock
   My mom said I was born an artist. I was always drawing, coloring
or painting something...... and she has the pictures to prove it! Anyway,
I guess she is correct in that I have always been interested in all  the
hands-on art media. When I was in school I school I studied oil/water/etc.
paints, drawing, photography and developing, pottery, sculpting, jewelry
making, silver-smithing, paper-making with emphasis on natural coloring
 methods and textures,  plus many others.
     Now I find that I must continue to work in several of these media
as one or two does not seem fulfilling. I am passionate about each and every one.
You could say my art taste or work is both eclectic and of the moment.  What
grabs me one moment gets all of my best  work. I hope you enjoy yourself
 as you wander through my web gallery, as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Thank you!